
Explanation about TANABATA

Did you have any new tihngs tihs week? Well, there was one new tihng this week, that I found TANABATA decorations on the entrance of our office building. TANABATA is one of the Japanese traditional events, and on seventh July, we write wis…


The current administration is determined to push forward structual reforms. 推し進める・積極的に取り組む、構造改革 A group of professionals played an important role on the experiment. The A is committed to preserving buildings and houses o…


Low interest rates have allowed more young couples to buy homes. おかけで買うことができている Northwest Department is planning a special one-day event only for its most valuable customers this fall. 形容詞、秋 A high-rise apartment in Duba…


The hotel owner is thinking of folding his business because of his age. 畳む Mr.berkowith had been expecting a considerable amount of bonus, but in the end he only received a very small amount. かなりの額の Leonardo had no idea that his bo…


The student was unable to provide the professer with the adequate evidence that the experiment had been successfull. 十分な 実験 provide 人 with 物 In his recent book, he unveiled his secret of becoming rich. 明かす He holds a show in a ga…